Marks Percentage Calculator

Marks Percentage Calculator

Marks Sheet

Subject Code Exam Type Max Marks Obtained Marks Pass/Fail Weightage Weightage Marks Action

How to Use the Marks Percentage Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide

The Marks Percentage Calculator is a simple and efficient calculator designed to help students, teachers, and professionals calculate their marks percentage quickly and accurately. Whether you’re in school, college, university, or working on any project that requires grading, this calculator is perfect for you. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to use the calculator effectively, along with tips to avoid common errors.

Step 1: Enter Course Name

  • Start by entering the Course Name in the designated field. For example, if you’re calculating marks for a BA program, type “BA” in the input box. Course name can be anything BA, BCOM, BSC, MA, MCOM etc.

Step 2: Set Minimum Passing Percentage

  • Enter the Minimum Passing Percentage required for your course or exam. Means every course required or need the minimum percentage to pass the exam For example, if the passing percentage is 35%, type “35”, if it’s 40%, type “40” in the input box and click the Set button. This ensures the calculator checks if you’ve passed each exam type.

Step 3: Enter Subject Code

  • Input the Subject Code for the subject you’re calculating marks for. For example, if the subject code is “BPSC-131,” type it in the input box.

Step 4: Select Exam Type

  • Choose the Exam Type from the dropdown menu. Options include:
  • Theory
  • Assignment
  • Lab
  • Practical
  • Project
  • Internship

For example, if you’re calculating marks for a theory exam, select “Theory.”

Step 5: Enter Max Marks and Obtained Marks

  • Enter the Maximum Marks for the exam. For example, if the exam is out of 100, type “100.”
  • Enter the Obtained Marks you scored in the exam. For example, if you scored 85, type “85.”

Step 6: Enter Weightage

  • Input the Weightage of the exam in percentage. For example, if the theory exam carries 70% weightage, type “70” and Assignment exam carries 30% weightage, type “30”.

Step 7: Add Exam

  • Click the Add Exam button to add the exam details to the marks sheet. The calculator will display the Weightage Marks and Pass/Fail status for the exam.

Step 8: Repeat for Other Exams

  • Repeat Steps 3 to 7 for all exams (e.g., assignments, practicals, etc.) under the same subject. The calculator will automatically calculate the Total Percentage for the subject.

Step 9: View Aggregate Percentage

  • Once all exams are added, the calculator will display the Aggregate Percentage for all subjects combined. This gives you an overall idea of your performance.

Step 10: Print Marks Sheet

  • Click the Print Marks Sheet button to print or save the marks sheet for future reference.

Common Errors and How to Avoid Them

Incorrect Weightage:

  • Ensure the total weightage for a subject adds up to 100%. For example, if Theory is 70% and Assignment is 30%, the total is 100%. If the total is not 100%, the calculator won’t display the correct total percentage.

Invalid Marks:

  • Always enter valid numbers for Max Marks and Obtained Marks. For example, if Max Marks is 100, Obtained Marks cannot be 120.

Missing Fields:

  • Fill in all fields (Course Name, Subject Code, Exam Type, etc.) before clicking Add Exam. Missing fields will result in an error.

Incorrect Entry can be deleted by Delete button under the action column so use as applicable.

Who Can Use This Calculator?


  • Calculate your semester or final exam percentages.
  • Check if you’ve passed each subject based on the minimum passing percentage.


  • Grade students’ exams and assignments efficiently.
  • Generate marks sheets for multiple students.


  • Use the calculator for project evaluations or internship assessments.

Schools, Colleges, and Universities:

  • Simplify the process of calculating and recording marks for large groups of students.

Why Use the Marks Percentage Calculator?

  • Accuracy: Eliminates manual calculation errors.
  • Speed: Saves time by automating the process.
  • Versatility: Works for all types of exams and grading systems.
  • Mobile-Friendly: Easy to use on smartphones and tablets.

Example Scenario

Suppose you’re a BA student and Min. Passing % is 35 with the following marks:

Subject Code: BPSC-131

  • Theory Exam: Max Marks = 100, Obtained Marks = 62, Weightage = 70%
  • Assignment: Max Marks = 100, Obtained Marks = 86, Weightage = 30%

After entering these details, the calculator will display:

  • Weightage Marks: Theory = 43.40, Assignment = 25.80
  • Total Percentage for Subject: 69.20%

Another Subject Code: BHIC-131

  • Theory Exam: Max Marks = 100, Obtained Marks = 58, Weightage = 70%
  • Assignment: Max Marks = 100, Obtained Marks = 83, Weightage = 30%

After entering these details, the calculator will display:

  • Weightage Marks: Theory = 40.60, Assignment = 24.90
  • Total Percentage for Subject: 65.50%

Aggregate Percentage: 67.35%

Marks Percentage Calculator

The Marks Percentage Calculator is a must-have calculator for anyone who needs to calculate percentages quickly and accurately. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or professional, this calculator simplifies the process and ensures error-free results. Try it today and experience the convenience! 😊

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